On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 12:28 PM, Giri Prashanth <giri.prasha...@gmail.com> wrote: > Any reason why org babel execute for shell with session does not terminate ? > Thank you very much in advance for any response,
Just ran this code and got the following results... #+NAME: 4AFF24E4-43CF-4FFF-A9E9-4896630C977D #+BEGIN_SRC shell :session test echo foo #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: 4AFF24E4-43CF-4FFF-A9E9-4896630C977D #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE | foo | #+END_EXAMPLE Org version from Git: “8.3.2” Emacs version: “24.5.1” What versions are you on?