Hi Matt sorry for the late response (teaching has been extra painful this year.. :))
i tried to use what you suggested but couldn't get the expected results, but im sure im doing things wrong :D so i created a file named /home/zeltak/org/files/Uni/Courses/css/left.aligned.css in it i have pasted this .left p, .left ul, .left li { text-align:left; } now in my org file i have these added lines on the top #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: /home/zeltak/org/files/Uni/Courses/css/left.aligned.css #+ATTR_HTML: :class left i also tried adding the #+ATTR_HTML: :class left under specific headers in both cases the text is still centered, any clue? i must be doing something horribly wrong right :) ? thx Z