Hi Nicolas, 2015ko azaroak 14an, Nicolas Goaziou-ek idatzi zuen: > > Thanks for your feedback. > > Any other feedback on the "EXPORT_FILE_DIRECTORY" feature?
In an earlier email you wrote: > When set, e.g. to "dir", assuming EXPORT_FILE_NAME is set to "foo/file", > export file name becomes "dir/file". Would it make more sense to concatenate the properties: dir/foo/file? I’m not a user of multi-file export, but here’s the kind of scenario I imagine arising (I’ve used an abbreviated syntax for specifying properties; hopefully it’s clear): a.org ,---- | * A project | ** One file | :EFN: foo.html | | A link to [[bar/page.html]] | | ** Another file | :EFN: bar/page.html | | Interesting content. `---- b.org ,---- | * A version of the project for mobile | :EFD: mobile | :CSS: mobile.css | | #+include: a.org `---- In this case, the link will break. (Maybe the link could be made to work in org by using e.g. an ID link – but someone still might want the mobile version of bar/page.html to live at mobile/bar/page.html not mobile/page.html). Maybe you have a different kind of use-case in mind? Thanks, -- Aaron Ecay