Hi Matt, 2015ko azaroak 6an, Matt Price-ek idatzi zuen:
> Hey, Aaron, > Am I right that I need to check out your wip-cite-awe branch from ~8 months > ago? Richard Lawrence forked that branch, and made some changes on top of it, so you should probably start with his branch. His changes aren’t in the org-mode repo but rather github: <https://github.com/wyleyr/org-mode.git> (That should be a url suitable for git clone or git remote add; the branch with his work in it is called wip-cite-org-citeproc and not master). > Would it make sense to try to merge recent changes on master into that > branch first? That’s a good first step. Hopefully any conflicts will be minor, but don’t hesitate to shout for help if there are problems! > > Anyway, I figure I will try to modify zotxt-emacs so it provides these > functions and generates conformant cite: links. NB the new citation support doesn’t use links à la org-ref, but rather a dedicated syntax object (maybe that’s what you meant, but calling the new citations “links” is not technically correct). > That seems the easiest solution, and maybe Erik will give me some help > once I've made some initial progress. Meanwhile I will try to learn > enough about javascript to get started on the citeproc-js ocmmand-line > tool. thx, matt Thanks, -- Aaron Ecay