> Hi Éibhear, > > I'm afraid I don't understand the problem the patch is trying to fix. > Can you provide a MWE (minimal working example) that illustrates the bug > you're observing? > > Thanks, > > -- > Aaron Ecay >
Hi Aaron, Thanks for getting back to me. Prerequisites: - The dot utility from graphvis is available - org-babel-load-languages includes '(dot . t) See below for a sample org file. For org-mode 8.2.10, invoking C-c C-c on the #+BEGIN_SRC line produces a file called sample-flow.png, representing a simple flow from a "Start" node to an "End" node. In org-mode 8.3.1 and 8.3.2, sample-flow.png contains only the text "nil". I believe the bug to be in `org-babel-execute:emacs-lisp', when the second parameter to `org-babel-result-cond' is being evaluated. When `result' is nil, it is converted to "nil", and this is being written into the sample-flow.png file, overwriting the contents that the dot utility had created. My patch prevents a nil result being converted into a text string when calling `org-babel-result-cond'. I believe this is an appropriate change. Éibhear ---------------------->8========================== * Charts ** Chart from flows #+name: chart-from-flows #+HEADER: :var nodes=sample-elements graph=sample-connections ranks=sample-ranks #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :file ./sample-flow.png :colnames yes :exports results (org-babel-execute:dot (concat "digraph {\n" "//rankdir=LR;\n" ;; remove comment characters '//' for horizontal layout; add for vertical layout (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%s [label=\"%s\" shape=%s style=\"filled\" fillcolor=\"%s\"]" (car x) (nth 1 x) (if (string= "" (nth 2 x)) "box" (nth 2 x)) (if (string= "" (nth 3 x)) "none" (nth 3 x)) )) nodes "\n") "\n" (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%s -> %s [taillabel=\"%s\" color=\"%s\" style=\"%s\"]" (car x) (nth 1 x) (nth 2 x) (if (string= "" (nth 3 x)) "black" (nth 3 x)) (if (string= "" (nth 4 x)) "solid" (nth 4 x)) )) graph "\n") "\n" (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "{rank=%s %s}" (if (or (string= "min" (car x)) (string= "max" (car x))) (car x) (concat "same; " (car x))) (nth 1 x))) ranks "\n") "}\n") params) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: chart-from-flows [[file:./sample-flow.png]] ** Development process flow *** Flow elements #+name: sample-elements | *node* | *label* | *shape* | *fillcolor* | |--------+---------+---------+-------------| | start | Start | ellipse | | | end | End | ellipse | | *** Flow connections #+name: sample-connections | from | to | label | colour | style | |-------+-----+-------+--------+-------| | start | end | | | | *** Flow ranks #+name: sample-ranks | anchor | node | |--------+-------| | min | start | | start | end | ---------------------->8========================== -- Éibhear Ó hAnluain, Dublin, Ireland +-------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | e-mail: eibhear....@gmail.com | Web: [http://www.gibiris.org/] | | Twitter: @eibhear | Google+: +Éibhear Ó hAnluain | | Mobile: +353 86 856 5666 | VoIP: sip:eibh...@linphone.org | +-------------------------------+--------------------------------+