
The first patch here is a must, because it fixes a bug I stumble upoon
daily. Middle two are just to make the names consistent. While doing
all those changes I read quite a lot of code and the last patch adds a
FIXME for a particularly ugly place I'm not sure how to fix (I think
don't ever consciously use that code path and I'm not sure what it
supposed to do).


Jan Malakhovski (4):
  org-clock: make org-clock-time% respect org-effort-durations
  org: move org-duration-string-to-minutes to a better place
  rename org-duration-string-to-minutes to org-clocksum-string-to-minutes 
  org-colview: add a FIXME

 contrib/lisp/org-depend.el     |  2 +-
 contrib/lisp/ox-taskjuggler.el |  2 +-
 lisp/org-agenda.el             |  2 +-
 lisp/org-clock.el              | 39 +++++++++++++------------------
 lisp/org-colview.el            |  5 +++-
 lisp/org.el                    | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 6 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)


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