Hi Ben, It doesn't work because evil-leader/set-key-for-mode sets keys for major modes and org-src-mode is a minor mode. Unfortunately I don't know the answer to your implied question "how do I make it work?", but that is why it doesn't work.
Best, Ista On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Ben <yfe...@gmail.com> wrote: > Dear all, > > I want to set some evil-leader keys for org-src-mode with the following > code: > > (evil-leader/set-key-for-mode 'org-src-mode > "k" 'org-edit-src-abort > "s" 'org-edit-src-save > "'" 'org-edit-src-exit) > > But it doesn't work. Why is that? > > Thanks, > Ben