Dan writes:
> There are more details below. The code is at
> http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~davison/software/org-table-R/org-table-R.el
> It would be great to get any feedback on this. My thought was that
> something like this has the potential to provide a unified plotting
> and table formula interface, which might be attractive to people who
> know and/or like and/or want to learn R. There's lots more that could
> be done with this, and there must be all sorts of bugs in it at this
> stage. But if there's any interest in it then it could be
> improved. Anyway, read on if you're interested in hearing more details
> about the options and actions available.
> Dan

Looks like you did a lot of work on this.

> - rownames:<integer>
>    Specifies that column n contains the names of the rows of the
>    table. These must be unique.

For column names, are you interpreting the existing table column name
syntax? (a special leftmost column with "!" in it (or "^" or "_"))
Or no column names?

> - replace:t
>    The original org-table is replaced by the text output (which will be
>    an org-table if the result is like a 1- or 2-dimensional array).

Does replace:nil do the opposite?

> - columns:<lisp-list>
>    This specifies the columns that the off-the-shelf action will
>    operate on (e.g. the columns you want to plot). The simplest case
>    is columns:j, where j is an integer. This could also be written
>    columns:(j). columns:((1)(2 3)) says that you want a graphic in
>    which columns 2 and 3 are plotted on the y-axis, and column 1 is
>    plotted on the x-axis. [...]

You might want to accept column names as well as column numbers.


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