Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> I don't believe the default is to export to mathml.  At least, for me,
> this doesn't happen.

For me, when I eval the following from emacs -q I get odt.

(require 'ox-odt)
(setq org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command
      "latexmlmath \"%i\" --presentationmathml=%o")

E.g. export: \(x\).

> But, to be brutally honest, I'm more than a little confused about what
> is possible or not in ODT export.  I don't use it often, mostly because
> almost all of my documents have some maths in LaTeX form, but there are
> indeed cases where it would be nice to have the capability of exporting
> maths to ODT.

It’s getting better.  I exported a large document recently, and Nicolas
fixed a lot of bugs.

> Setting the variable mentioned above doesn't work for me either.  I had
> to install the latexml package (on Ubuntu) to have the command available
> but I don't know where to get the jar file that may be needed
> (cf. org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file).

None.  At least two methods are supported: latexmlmath and some .jar file,
perhaps mathtoweb.jar or something like that?

> Any help in this regard would be welcome.  Searching the mailing list
> doesn't bring up anything useful.

Run from emacs -q and check your *messages*.  You should see something
like this in the buffer:

     Formatting LaTeX using mathml
     Creating MathML snippet 1...
     Wrote /tmp/ltxmathml-in5102GLn
     Running latexmlmath "\(x\)" --presentationmathml=ltxmathml-out5102TVt
     Using vacuous schema


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