On Tuesday, 13 Oct 2015 at 15:28, Chris Patti wrote:
> I must confess I am not wild about the whole way MobileOrg purports to 
> function.
> I don't really want to have to push or pull my OrgFiles to/from
> mobile.  With mechanisms like Dropbox what I *really* want is to be
> able to access and manipulate Org content on my device directly.

Yes, we'd all like that but that requires Emacs basically...  you *can*
run Emacs on an Android device, just not very well in my opinion.  You
could try and see if it works for you:


My solution was to buy and OpenPandora palmtop computer that runs full
Debian Linux (and hence any version of Emacs I want!).

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.2-161-gd2ac25

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