
Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

> Actually, my settings are at the end of the whole 4000+ line file so I
> am not sure what you are suggesting I try.  If I delete the whole
> settings subtree, the exports all result in the same LaTeX.  However,
> that is of no use to me, obviously.  I guess I can try to add one line
> at a time to see when the export breaks.  I may try that tomorrow.

Providing a shorter test file would be helpful, no matter how much
settings you have.

> I guess I would like some insight into how the latex_header lines are
> parsed by org, maybe in org-element?

They are collected in `org-export--get-inbuffer-options' which is called
by `org-export-get-environment'.

IIRC, Robert Klein's problem was due to an explicit call to
`org-export-get-environment' at Babel evaluation time, before the buffer
was correctly prepared for export. If you call
`org-export-get-environment' within your settings, it may be related.


Nicolas Goaziou

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