Here's the MWE once again with proper indication ([ZWS]) of where you need
to insert the zero width space char.

* Escaping =equal= sign in verbatim formatting.
** Here's the same but using zero width spaces instead of /org entities/.

* Here I am trying to have double quotes in verbatim formatting.
=\quot{}This is inbetween double quotes\quot{}=.
** Here's the same but using zero width spaces instead of /org entities/.
=[ZWS]"This is inbetween double quotes"[ZWS]=.

* And here's to escapes asterisks
This is *bold*. But this is \ast{}not bold\ast{}.
This works!


On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 12:07 AM Kaushal Modi <>

> Thanks for letting me know about org-entities. That is awesome. I now know
> how to escape various characters in general, but unfortunately this does
> not work within verbatim formatting (which makes sense).
> Here's a minimum working example:
> =====
> * Escaping =equal= sign in verbatim formatting.
> =a\equal{}b+c=
> ** Here's the same but using zero width spaces instead of /org entities/.
> =a=b+c=
> * Here I am trying to have double quotes in verbatim formatting.
> =\quot{}This is inbetween double quotes\quot{}=.
> ** Here's the same but using zero width spaces instead of /org entities/.
> =​"This is inbetween double quotes"​=.
> * And here's to escapes asterisks
> This is *bold*. But this is \ast{}not bold\ast{}.
> This works!
> =====
> Here's what it looks like when exported:
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 9:48 PM Eric Abrahamsen <>
> wrote:
>> Kaushal Modi <> writes:
>> > My most common uses are escaping double quotes (") and equals (=)
>> > within org verbatim blocks (=VERBATIM=)
>> >
>> > Examples:
>> >
>> > 1. =var=[ZWS]val=
>> > 2. =[ZWS]"something"[ZWS]=
>> >
>> > Here [ZWS] is the 0x200b zero width space unicode char.
>> >
>> > I found [ZWS] useful as a generic escape char for org mode. There are
>> > few other cases where this has been useful, but I can't recall right
>> > now.
>> >
>> > In any case, what would be the recommended way to escape " and = in
>> > the above 2 examples?
>> Check out the variable `org-entities' for all the replaceable escape
>> codes. It's got quotes and equal!
>> E

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