Andreas Leha <> writes:

> The same protection as in the previous version seems to take effect
> here:
>   (defmacro by-backend (&rest body)
>     `(case (if (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) 
> org-export-current-backend nil) ,@body))
> Are there any issues with this?

Not really, but

  (if (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) org-export-current-backend nil)


  (org-bound-and-true-p org-export-current-backend)

It should also be documented. In particular, outside any export process,
you need to use ((nil) ...) or (t ...).

> Could you elaborate why that might be better?  Including it as a macro
> like this has the up-side to be more general.

Of course. I'm just pointing out that /if/ its only use is for :file
directive, it might be better to include it there.


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