Matthew Lundin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm getting the following message with org 6.12b when I try to set a
> custom org-archive-location:
> org-advertized-archive-subtree: Invalid `org-archive-location'
> I've tried this both with emacs 22.1.1 and
> Here's the relevant configuration line:
> (setq org-archive-location "2008.org_archive")

This should probably be 

     (setq org-archive-location "2008.org_archive::")

but it does seem that there is something missing from (or something
extra in) the description of the variable:

    org-archive-location is a variable defined in `org.elc'.
    Its value is "%s_archive::"

    The location where subtrees should be archived.

    Otherwise, the value of this variable is a string, consisting of two
    parts, separated by a double-colon.


Maybe this should read:

    The location where subtrees should be archived.

    The value of this variable is a string, consisting of two
    parts, separated by a double-colon.


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