
I've just expanded my Org-mode addiction a bit more, and plan to make
use of checklists for personal unit testing [1]:

Here's an example of how I have things set up. This template is copied
to each day in my diary, and I check everything off before I go to bed

* Personal Unit Test Templates
*** Day [%]
    - [/] Health
      - [ ] I got out of bed on first alarm call
      - [ ] I had a shower this morning
      - [ ] I brushed my teeth this morning
      - [ ] I had a substantial breakfast
      - [ ] I didn't smoke today
      - [ ] I didn't drink today
    - [/] Commitments
      - [ ] I attended all my lectures today
      - [ ] You get the idea :-)

There's more, of course - but I've hit a bit of a problem. If I update
a "Health" task, the the "Day" % indicator gets updated as well - much
as I'd expect. But if I update the commitment (for example, checking
"I attended all my lectures") then the day % indicator does *not* get

This is a bit of a pain, because the idea is to have a nice easy to
scan view of my progress.

Is there anyway to acheive what I want?


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