Bernt Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi Eric, this is very nice, but the changes also contain a whole
>> mountain of changes where only the initial whitespace of lines is
>> changed.  This makes it very har to see what really is the core of
>> this patch and makes me hesitate to apply it.
>> Can this be avoided somehow?   Bernt?


My bad, I only meant to re-indent the lines affected by the change in
name length from completing-read to org-ido-completing-read, but
apparently my brush was a little broad.

please do just apply the non-whitespace changes as Bernt described
below.  If this proves difficult let me know, and I will redo the
changes against the current git-head and shoot you a link.

Thanks -- Eric

> Carsten,
> From your repository you can do this:
> $ git fetch git:// master
> This pulls the commits from Eric's master branch and points your
> FETCH_HEAD at it.
> $ git diff master FETCH_HEAD
> shows the differences between your master and all commits to FETCH_HEAD
> (basically the same thing when you just show that commit).  In this case
> it's the same as git show FETCH_HEAD since there is only one commit.
> $ git diff -w master FETCH_HEAD
> will ignore whitespace changes.  This is much easier to review.
> -Bernt

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