Hi Carsten,

2008/11/3 Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Gary,
> I believe this problem is now fixed, please verify.

Thanks.  Short version: yes it seems to be working now.

Long version: I couldn't persuade my emacs to grok a fresh git clone
of the org-mode master (though I didn't try very hard -- I just
changed the emacs load-path to point at the checked out git tree
instead of the untarred org-6.10 release and restarted emacs).
Instead, I extracted changeset 293d3311 and applied it to a fresh
org-6.10c release... and now the windows behave sanely for me.  Many

> Also, your address reads like "Domain Admin", is that intended????

Oops.  I had just migrated my email to google apps @ your domain,
and didn't notice for a few days that the first email account name
is set to 'Domain Admin'.  Now fixed -- thanks again!


> On Oct 25, 2008, at 6:47 AM, Domain Admin wrote:
>> [[3rd and final attempt to send, this time without screenshots]]
>> Since I have a wide screen laptop, I almost always us C-x3 to split
>> emacs into 2 side by side windows.  When I'm pushing bits around in
>> org-mode, that usually translates to my todo.org on the left and an
>> agenda on the right.
>> The bug I've encountered since I started using org mode a few weeks
>> back is that the mini-buffer grows to fill almost the entire screen
>> when I want to change the state of a TODO.  Attached are two
>> screen-shots - the first is my emacs layout as described above, and
>> the second after pressing C-u C-c C-t  with the completion buffer
>> taking up almost the whole screen.
>> Please keep my address in the Cc: as I am not subscribed to the list.
>> Cheers,
>> Gary
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