I've just spent a short time giving the crash test dummy procedure to a few git interfaces for emacs. All have their benefits. A lot have their negatives, But my immediate favourite for anyone thinking of using emacs interface to git for org is the following:
http://tsgates.cafe24.com/git/git-emacs.html#sec1 It doesn't come with a lot of default key bindings but the two most important for those familiar with vc-backend are there: C-x v v and C-x v = git-diff interfaces nicely to ediff. And the best thing is the one key press from git-status to bring up the wonderful "gitk" GUI interface which I wasn't aware of! Truly brilliant admin interface for git external to emacs. The best part of all is that it provides simple easy to see icons in the emacs status bar to show the git status. magic and egg tend to git-status centric as opposed to file centric. emacs-git is a nice mixture. It palms off the log/history interface to gitk - no need to reinvent the wheel. Simple, powerful, extensible. Recommended. Oh, but missing staging .... which magit and egg support but vc-git, git.el and emacs-git do not. I think ... _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode