OK, I've simply put it on github:

Clone-URL:  git://github.com/SebastianRose/orghtmlexportdata.git

Browse: http://github.com/SebastianRose/orghtmlexportdata/tree/master



Sebastian Rose wrote:

I compiled a little directory with testdata. I've already sent it
to some of the members here privately. Please tell me if you're
interested to take look in it.

The data is similar to the simple HTML export test I did lately. It's
not automated, nor complete, but provides some testdata in subdirectory
src, which I hope are some kind of start -- hm -- maybe :-)

Some of those files are made to prove a certain export feature, some
are just there to add more files to have a more realistic tree (still
too small, but a new file will be added for each test).

The export goes to subdirectory 'dest/' and 'dest/index.html' will
show an index of all files in there (this might be interesting for
those who are to Org-mode too).

It's pretty simple. Just unpack in your home directory, open
~/org-export-test-cases/test-cases.org and click a few elisp links
(one click is actually required).

M-x org-publish RET one RET

will do the publishing.

Tell me, if you're interested and I'll send it.

I'd thought we should have a basic system, before we add it to Worg
and this system is not clear yet.

All the best,


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