On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 6:34 PM, Rainer Thiel wrote:
  > I now realise I sent my answeer only to Manish and not to the
  > list, so I am forwarding it now. In substance, my test file does
  > (and did) have a blank line at the beginning and the problem still
  > persists. I am afraid it is not exactly the same problem that was
  > reportet some time ago. I am appending the .org-source-file and
  > the exported .tex-file again.

I opened the attached .org file, did "C-c e d" and completely normal
looking PDF was created.  I am attaching generated .tex file.  I
guess, it should be something specific to your specific setup.


Attachment: explattest.tex
Description: TeX document

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