(cc'ing the list again)

Ben Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 2008-Oct-23, at 17:26, Sebastian Rose wrote:
>> Ben,
>> I added this to the new page on worg. Please tell me: is it OK for you,
>> if I simply add your ideas there??
> Sure put what you want there.


> FWIW, I'm brand new (today!) to git and I've cloned Worg today too.  But I 
> not a
> worger' -- I'm not sure I've read much of it online.

So I'll look what else should be added? Hm - this thread is so busy,
that I'd say I take a few hours on weekend to sum it up.

>> What do the others think?
>> Ben Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> way too much
>> Please, if you find time, add the rest somewhere there?
>> If not, I'll take a closer look tonight and check in what's interesting
>> (which seems to be all of it, actually).
>> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-fr/UnitTesting:
>> Does this mean to add code to Org's *.el files? This would mean a lot of
>> work for Carsten :-( OK, once done...
> Uh, I hope that's not necessary.  I'd hope that the tests could be written
> completely independently of any org-code.  If the basic idea  is to launch 
> emacs
> in batch mode, then the test could redefine any  function locally, in the test
> code, instead of screwing around with  what Carsten has.
> If every test is written this way, it'll be very slow to run all the tests.
> Maybe that doesn't matter for bug-report tests?  But here's  where I should 
> shut
> up and listen instead of talk.

Great! I hope so too!!

If slow, it's still no problem to run all those tests before a release
or once a day, whatever.

Glad to here your interested in keeping impact on Carsten low!


Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover

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