On 17 Oct 2008 at 15:47, Carsten Dominik wrote:

> in my Emacs, these lines have a white background and are therefore  
> easily distinguished.

Interesting.  The only date line I've seen with a white background
in the column view of a weekly agenda was a Saturday with NO tasks
yet assigned.

In the ordinary (NON-column) weekly agenda, the date rows all have
a white background, but then so do all the other rows.

>  These lines use org-agenda-date and org-agenda-
> date-weekend as their faces, respectively.

Are you saying that these work in an agenda AND in a column view of
an agenda?

I had seen these in org-faces.el, but thought them unrelated, as the
foreground colors appeared to be all blue, and I don't see blue text
for the dates.  But then I don't know elisp, so I perhaps did not
understand the face definitions.

> Ah, I guess you mean when you are computing summaries in the agenda  
> column view?

Yes, the Effort total does appear on the row of interest (with the date).

> No, I don't think there is a way to change that.  Maybe there should  
> be, I am putting it on my list.


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