On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:52:46AM +0000, Frank Dekens wrote:
> All that to say: Can you please post a copy of that makefile, because I
> have no idea how to invoke all those commands that way.

Poof! And there was a Makefile, and it was good.

Place it in the directory with the org file you want to export, and
run make. It grabs *.org.


Russell Adams                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PGP Key ID:     0x1160DCB3           http://www.adamsinfoserv.com/

Fingerprint:    1723 D8CA 4280 1EC9 557F  66E8 1154 E018 1160 DCB3
.PHONY: all clean

OBJS := $(patsubst %.org, %.pdf, $(wildcard *.org))

CRAP := $(patsubst %.org, %.pdf, $(wildcard *.org))
CRAP += $(patsubst %.org, %.aux, $(wildcard *.org))
CRAP += $(patsubst %.org, %.log, $(wildcard *.org))
CRAP += $(patsubst %.org, %.out, $(wildcard *.org))
CRAP += $(patsubst %.org, %.toc, $(wildcard *.org))

all: $(OBJS)

        rm -f $(CRAP)

%.tex: %.org
        emacs --eval '(setq enable-local-variables :all)' \
                $< \
                -f org-export-as-latex \
                -f save-buffers-kill-emacs

%.pdf: %.tex
        pdflatex $<
        pdflatex $<
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