On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 04:06:28PM -0500, Robert Goldman wrote:

> Has anyone managed to get org-annotation-helper to work with Firefox 3
> on Mac OSX Leopard?

I've got something even nicer almost up and running, assuming you like
Quicksilver; assorted scripts to insert links and remember notes from
Safari, Mail, Mutt (Terminal), Skim, Bibdesk, and, to a lesser degree,
any application with an AppleScript dictionary. Call up a remember
buffer or file directly from Quicksilver, as you find
convenient. Basically an extension of org-annotation-helper.

It's currently very much tailored to my workflow, so will require some
editing for others, a fair amount of setting up and is still not documented.

I've got a hideous week ahead; once complete I'll post the scripts
(AppleScript, bash and elisp) in their present crude form.

Best wishes,


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