Ian Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Following an earlier thread I am trying to get a remember template to
> immediately save and then jump to the stored location. My template looks
> like:
> ("Journal" ?j "* %^U :DIARY:\n\n  %i%&\n  %!"
> "~/nfs/firewall/Documents/org/journal.org")
> The problem is that the %& gets inserted literally in the saved note and
> emacs doesn't jump to the target. I have experimented with placing %& in
> different positions in the template with similar results. Can someone
> point out what silly thing I am doing wrong?
> I am using emacs 22.1.1 and org 6.03.

This functionality was added in org 6.05.  Upgrading to a newer version
should fix it.


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