On 23 Jul 2008, at 01:40, Carsten Dominik wrote:
- How to get mail.app mail references (and other apps) into emacs
(the copy url in the mail.app works - I would want to see the
subject/author of the message, than a cryptic url. I know, I can
edit that what I want, but I would rather have this automatic)
Org-mode comes with org-mac-message.el. You need to load this file,
for example by
configuring the variable org-modules. With that loaded, Emacs can
follow message links. To create such a link from an email, define a
remember template like this:
("Emailtask" ?e "* TODO %?\n %(org-mac-message-get-link)" "~/org/
gtd.org" "Tasks" nil)
The "%(org-mac-message-get-link)" will result in a nice link showing
the message subject and linking to the message.
Great. Another highly appreciated way of adding email links to an org-
file would be by dragging a particular mail from Mail.app onto emacs.
This does work when dropping e.g. files and URLs (might by courtesy of
mac-win.el ?). Anyone have an idea of how to enable this for mails as
[GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i386-apple-darwin8.11.1, Carbon Version 1.6.0) of
2008-04-02 on seijiz.local]
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