* Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-05-05 17:04:59 +0200]:

> Hi David,
> On May 5, 2008, at 11:03 AM, David Kritzberg wrote:
>> Hello Folks,
>> I use orgmode primarily with the emacs 22.1.1 that comes with ubuntu
>> Gutsy 7.10.
>> Recent updates to orgmode seem to have "broken" a couple things I was
>> used to  in earlier versions:
>> 1. the tab -- when editing text under a bullet previously, hitting the
>> tab key would auto-indent a line of text regardless of where the
>> cursor was in that line.  Now, I need to place the cursor at the
>> beginning of the line to do this, the same as I would do if I was
>> editing in some plain text mode.
> I cannot reproduce this.  Can you make a test case and describe
> your steps more accurately?  Do you have any configuration
> on the variable `org-cycle-emulate-tab'?

No, I don't have any configuration related to org-cycle-emulate-tab.
Let me know if this works as a description: 
Say I write 

* this is an example
here is some te_

Now if my cursor is at the _ in the second line above, and I hit the
tab key, I would normally see this

* this is an example
  here is some te

But instead I see this
* this is an example
here is some te    _

Is that the kind of description you were looking for?

>> 2. when scheduling/re-scheduling dates in either agenda view or an
>> outline view, "C-c C-s fri" would re-schedule the event for the
>> upcoming Friday.  Now I can still do "C-c C-s +5" if Friday is in 5
>> days, but I have lost the 3-letter abbreviations for days of the week
>> in this context.
> This is a side effect of some other changes.  I agree that a plain
> weekday abbreviation should be relative to today, not relative to the
> default date (which in this case is the currently scheduled date
> for the item.
> I have fixed this in the GIT repo, to it will make its way
> into the next release.  Thanks for catching this.
> As a work-around until you get a better version, you can use "+fri".
> - Carsten

Thanks Carsten!

Dave Kritzberg

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