Hi Wanrong,

this is strange and should not happen.

Do you call the diary in your ,emacs before setting up org-mode-hook?

- Carsten

On Mar 5, 2008, at 2:55 AM, Wanrong Lin wrote:


I was trying Bastien's suggestion for marking dates in calendar, so I put this into my .diary file:


What I found is after I launch emacs, all my org-agenda files are already open, but my org-mode-hook function was not called, so my key bindings and other stuff was not set up properly. I need to close the org file and open it again to have my org-mode-hook function called.

I remember I reported a similar bug before, and Carsten fixed it by closing those opened files after scanning all org-agenda files for appointments. Maybe we can fix it the same way? Thanks.


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