Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> If I have (setq mark-holidays-in-calendar t), the calendar window will
>> mark all holidays. I am thinking it will be great if we can mark
>> appointments in org-files. 
> (require 'diary-lib)
> (add-hook 'diary-display-hook 'fancy-diary-display)
> Adding this in your ~/.diary file should do it:
> %%(org-diary :scheduled :timestamp :deadline)

A note of caution: If you have *many* appointments in your org agenda
files, then each fancy display of the calendar will be much slower.  

If you just need to use `d' on a calendar date, but don't want the dates
to be fontified, add `&' before the diary sexp:

&%%(org-diary :scheduled :timestamp :deadline)



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