I am curious why I never got any feedback on this implementation
of task dependencies. Did people overlook this? Or is the need
for dependencies not as pressing as some of you thought?
- Carsten
On Oct 19, 2007, at 8:27 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
On Oct 11, 2007, at 16:46, Carsten Dominik wrote:
- concerning the TRIGGER proposal by John, and the TRIGGER/BLOCKER
discussed later: In Emacs terms, this seems to translate into a
that is called at the right moment. I'd say that a single hook is
The right moment to call it would be when Org-mode has figured out
about a change that is about to occur, but before actually doing it.
We can be general what kind of change this could be, a TODO state
adding a tag, setting a property, changing the priority, anything
So we would have a property that contains a Lisp form, and that
lisp form would
be evaluated at that moment.
TRIGGER would then mean to perform actions in other entries.
BLOCKER would mean to query other entries for information, and, if
abort the current action, for example by throwing to a specified
catch form.
Obviously, if you nee both triggers and blockers, the blockers
need to run
first, but we don't need separate properties/functions for this.
The detailed implementation would then be a number of Lisp
functions that
take as arguments a *single* structure that contains all the info
of the change,
for example a property list like
(list :type 'TODOSTATE :from nil %to "INPROGRESS" ....
Due to the controversial nature of the discussion on this subject,
it seems to be better, for the time being, to keep this functionality
outside the core of org-mode. Other reasons for this are that the
free-form nature of Org-mode files do make it non-trivial to implement
dependencies in a bullet-proof way.
I will actually take still another step back from the proposals we
discussed: I'd like to not even fix the properties that should be
used for dependencies.
Instead, I am proposing and starting up the following route:
Org-mode version 5.13 contains two new hooks, `org-blocker-hook' and
`org-trigger-hook'. These hooks are called before and after a state
change, respectively. Currently only TODO state changes will do
this, but more could be added in the future.
The blocker hook is able to block a state change, the trigger
hook just happens after the change. This is all that will go into
the core for now.
While this may seem little, it actually opens the dore wide for
a number of dependency extensions to be written, with free
choice of properties to be used and the "language" applied in
these properties to describe dependencies. In this way
we can have different implementations working alongside without
As a proof of concept, I am providing a small file org-depend.el.
This is not meant as a definition of how things should be, but
as an inspiration to people who want to try their teeth at this.
Nevertheless, this small set of functions already does most of
what at least some of you have been asking for: It introduces
the concept of chaining a sequence of TODO entries together by
insinuating only the first entry in the chain.
It also allows for entries to be identified by an :ID: property,
and this property to be used to trigger or be blocked by entries
in arbitrary places in the current file. So I hope it will be a
good starting point, I have tried to comment it well enough
so that hacking should be easy.
Here is a copy of the documentation from that file. The file
itself is available at http://orgmode.el/org-depend.el.
- Carsten
WARNING: This file is just a PROOF OF CONCEPT, not a supported part
of Org-mode.
This is an example implementation of TODO dependencies in Org-mode.
It uses the new hooks in version 5.13 of Org-mode,
`org-trigger-hook' and `org-blocker-hook'.
It implements the following:
1) If an entry contains a TRIGGER property that contains the word
"chain-siblings", then switching that entry to DONE does the
- The sibling following this entry is marked DONE.
- The sibling also get the "chain-sibling" property, to make
sure that, when *it* is DONE, the chain will continue.
2) If the TRIGGER property contains any other words, these are
treated as entry id's. That means, Org-mode will search for an
entry with the ID property exactly equal to this word, and
switch that entry to TODO as well.
1) If an entry contains a BLOCKER property that contains the word
"previous-sibling", the sibling above the current entry is
checked. If it is still in a TODO state, the current state
change is blocked.
2) If the BLOCKER property contains any other words, these are
treated as entry id's. That means, Org-mode will search for an
entry with the ID property exactly equal to this word, and make
sure that this entry is done as well, before allowing the state
change to occur.
When trying this example, make sure that the settings for TODO
have been activated, i.e. include the following line and press C-c C-c
on the line before working with the example:
* TODO Win a million in Las Vegas
The "third" TODO (see above) cannot become a TODO without this money.
:ID: I-cannot-do-it-without-money
* Do this by doing a chain of TODO's
** TODO This is the first in this chain
:TRIGGER: chain-siblings
** This is the second in this chain
** This is the third in this chain
:BLOCKER: I-cannot-do-it-without-money
** This is the forth in this chain
When this is DONE, we will also trigger entry XYZ-is-my-id
:TRIGGER: XYZ-is-my-id
** This is the fifth in this chain
* Write report
:ID: XYZ-is-my-id
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