On Wed, 07 Nov 2007 12:29:00 +0000
Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hope this will work correctly...

Yes, it works great. However, to make the remember function work I had
to add a line to the lisp, so that the relevant section now reads:

        (cond ((equal proto "remember")
        (kill-new orglink) ;; added to put the link in the kill-ring  
        (org-remember ?w))        
              ((equal proto "annotation")
               (message "Copied '%s' to the kill-ring." orglink)
               (kill-new orglink))

I don't fully understand why I needed to add the line -- all I know is
that without it the link isn't in the kill-ring when I yank it.

I couple this with this template:

("web-clip" ?w "* %^{Paste page title/URL}\n %u\n  :PROPERTIES:
\n  :END: \n  %?" "~/plans/webclips.org") 

I suspect I'll use this a lot -- thanks for setting it up. (And I
understand that once we have the functionality in the template to yank
the kill-ring to a point indicated by %c it will be simpler still.)

The next question is whether the link and perhaps other bits of
information can be passed as variables instead of via the kill-ring. I
ask because it would be great to block (and perhaps copy) a section of
a web page, click on the bookmarklet, and then see a template with the
link/title and the section of text that I blocked/copied already
entered. Something like this:

* <link:[[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/07/][A news article]]
  [2007-11-07 Wed]
  Here is the text I blocked/copied from the web page. It might be 3 or
  4 sentences, and it might be set off somehow either by quotation
  marks or perhaps a different indent level.

  <point is here for any notes I want to add to the entry>

I don't know whether others will use this functionality. I confess that
part of my interest stems from my experience with the only program I
miss from my days using windows software -- a program called Zoot
(http://www.zootsoftware.com/). Zoot does many things, but one thing I
really like is that it makes it very easy to store, annotate, and
organize links to web pages. 

John Rakestraw

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