On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 12:46:45PM +0000, Bastien wrote:
> > Currently I do this by coding the helper to dump the Message-Id into
> > ~/.clip-mairix, and then the elisp code inserts the contents of this
> > file back into the org buffer.  However I would like it to be inserted
> > via a remember template, hence the request.
> I thought your mutt helper could copy the whole message to ~/.clip-msg,
> then you wouldn't need some elisp code to insert ~/.clip-msg but rather
> a org-message.el that would let you get the message-id as a link prop
> from the template...

Ah, I see!

> But having %(...) is more straightforward.

Possibly.  I suppose it depends on the relative merits of parsing the
mail via the mutt helper (which is Perl in my case) vs. doing it with
elisp.  Maybe I should change the helper to store an elisp form
representing a property list of the mail's metadata via the temporary
file rather than a preformatted mairix link - that way other
mutt/org/remember users have more flexibility in their remember
templates.  But then, when and how would emacs parse that plist as a
replacement for the normal `org-store-link-props' invocation?

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