Hi Fabian,

Fabian Braennstroem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The available auctex/cdlatex/preview-latex package bundle makes it
> pretty easy to write latex articles in emacs. How do you write your
> articles? Do you use orgmode for the whole article or maybe just for a
> first structure and then switch to 'plain' latex?

I can't speak for other people but as far as I'm concerned, I use the
LaTeX exporter to write small documents and documents that don't need 
a lot of special formatting.

For example, I often have to write reports for meeting I attend to.  I
use org-mode for that and convert the file into both HTML (for online
access to the report) and LaTeX (for printed representation of the text,
which is always very useful.)

Since I don't need to do complex stuff with LaTeX formatting, and since
I can also use RefTeX in conjunction with Org, then the LaTeX exporter
is often enough for me.  I guess scientific writing might require a
different approach.
> Maybe there is a chance, that orgmode could display inserted linked
> pictures and inserted equations (just like preview-latex or
> x-symbol)!? I hope I did not missed a feature again, but it would be
> great, if that works :-)

Missed :)

See the manual (info "(org)Processing LaTeX fragments") and check the
attached screenshot as a small example.

<<attachment: screenshot1.png>>

> By the way, I actually saw that orgmode has special faces for code and
> latex fragment, but moving the cursor on an equation environment, the
> face is 'default'!?

I don't know about a face for LaTeX fragments... I guess you're not
refering to `org-formula' which defines the face for tables formula?

> Would be nice, if anyone can give some ideas about there workflow
> using orgmode and latex...


And don't forget to get famous by feeding the tutorial section about
this on the website:


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