Mike Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I had wondered if there was any value in wrapping the html export in
> <div> </div> sections to match the structure of the org file.
> For example, rather than:
> <h2><a name="sec-1">1 Heading</a></h2>
> <p>Text
> </p>
> <h3><a name="sec-2">1.1 Subheading</a></h3>
> <p>More text
> </p>
> <h3><a name="sec-3">1.2 Further subheading</a></h3>
> <p>Still more text
> </p>

I have not yet used this feature, but I am working with html/css all
day, so here is my opinion:

1. You shouldn't use more divs than you need to, and you don't need

2. You shouldn't use divs for presentation's sake. Why not make each
subsection a different class or sumthin.

3. I think the way it's handled right now is better than your example.


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