Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Bernt Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> For example: [[gnus:nnml.orgmode#6548::org.pdf]] would fetch the mail
>>> #6548 in nnml.orgmode Gnus group and search for the string "org.pdf" in
>>> the body of the mail (this could also be a regexp). Then RET will open
>>> this PDF attachment with the right app.
>> Thanks - I'll try that.
> Well -- it was a proposal for a possible feature.  Just as storing a
> file link lets you keep the context with, it would be nice if we had
> context with us when storing e-mail links.  At least for what you're
> trying to achieve (directly go to an attachment).
>> I don't have anything in ~/.mailcap
> Why don't you try a simple ~/.mailcap like this:
> application/pdf; /usr/bin/acroread '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; 
> description=Portable Document Format; nametemplate=%s.pdf
> Or digg for the documentation of `org-file-apps' -- here you can bind
> extension and application directly.

This is fixed. Thanks.  My mailcap entry works - it's just the link I
was using was broken.


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