On Sep 3, 2007, at 21:56, Leo wrote:

On 2007-09-03 19:32 +0100, Carsten Dominik wrote:
Yes, since 5.07, you can mis-use the TAGS interface to directly
switch to TODO states.  Check the release notes.

Is this temporary until a better solution is found?

Not at all, I really cannot think of a better solution.
The only thing preliminary about this would be the setup
using Emacs Lisp.  I guess the in-buffer setup like

#+SEQ_TODO: TODO(t)....

is nice and similar to TAGS, so that will stay.

Using tags to setup todo looks unclean to me. However it is very nice to
be able to set up todo using an interface similar to tags.

Yes, it is not very clean, agreed.  Even if you *could* view TODO
keywords as special,  privileged tag.

And since the argument to org-todo has become completely useless because
of this feature. I propose the following:

    C-c C-t (`org-todo') brings up an interface similar to the one for
    org-set-tags but only for todos (C-c C-c only for tags)

Hm, yes, this might indeed be cleaner.

    C-u C-c C-t cycle through todo states i.e. the old behavior.

And don't forget that we also have S-right doing cycling.

    make an user option to swap C-c C-t and C-u C-c C-t i.e. C-c C-t
    cycle through todo states

    automatically shortcut for todos:
     - if it is specified by user then use it
     - otherwise, use the first letter of the name of the todos
     - if the first letter has been taken, use the subsequent
     - continue until a unique letter is found

That mechanism already exists for tags, easy to re-use it.

For example,

   When `C-c C-t', a buffer shows up:

   -*- buffer -*-

   => (T)odo (W)aiting (D)elegated
      (C)ancelled (M)aybe (D)one

   -*- buffer -*-

   'C-n' and 'C-p' can move to the next/previous todo state

   The arrow indicates the current state.

I don't think it is even necessary, to mark the current state.
This is important for tags because of inheritance, and because you
can change several tags with a single call to C-c C-c.  For for a single
TODO state change?

   Only shortcut in the row indicated by the 'arrow' is in effect thus
   allows (D)one to (D)elegated to co-exist.

Well, I think allowing the same letter to mean different things will
be confusing and will make this special interface less effective.

Some of the points might be also helpful for tags.

I can't really see which ones, the TAG interface does all this.

- Carsten

Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
phone: +31 20 525 7477

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