>>>>> Regarding 'Re: org-export to Palm Markup Language (PML)'; Adam Spiers 
>>>>> adds:

  > Hmm, I'd be much more interested in implementing bidirectional
  > synchronisation with Shadow Plan for Palm OS - that strikes me as
  > far more useful.  I was thinking about having a crack at writing a
  > plugin for opensync to do it using the opensync python bindings, but
  > the documentation is practically non-existent :-/

I'm interested in that too.  I have some experience as I made code just
to edit LifeBalance pdb files (all in Emacs lisp), but something more
interactive would be far more usable.

The problem with my code is that it edits the pdb directly, so I have to
pull it from the palm, edit on the PC, push it back to the palm, which
maybe doesn't sound too bad, but in real life I just don't use it.  What
I am saying is, that a proper sync method would be much more useful,
where I can freely edit stuff on the PC and palm and the sync somehow
synchronises the changes in both directions.

Have a nice day, Richard

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