
I currently have a large knowledge-base in a single org file (>5k
lines of code). When exporting certain sections I would like to
exclude the rest completely.

Furthermore I would like to have the current section displayed as
title with all child section being adapted accordingly.

Say I have a file ~/tmp/a.org:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* Windows
** Software for working
   * Cygwin
   * more
* Linux
** Software to install via package manager
** Software to install from source
   Use xstove
   * Emacs
   * Org Mode
     Compile, but keep locale.   
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I can then invoke `C-c C-e v a' with the cursor being somewhere within
the "* Linux" section. I will still end up with an ASCII file
including the other sections:

|                                        a
|                                        =
| Author: foo
| Date: 2007/07/14 03:08:10
| 1 Windows
| ~~~~~~~~~
| 1.1 Software for working
| ========================
|    * Cygwin
|    * more
| 2 Linux
| ~~~~~~~
| 2.1 Software to install via package manager
| ===========================================
| 2.2 Software to install from source
| ===================================
|    Use xstove
|    * Emacs
|    * Org Mode
|      Compile, but keep locale.   
I would like to export something like this:

|                                        Linux
|                                        =====
| Author: foo
| Date: 2007/07/14 03:08:10
| 1 Software to install via package manager
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| 2 Software to install from source
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|   Use xstove
|   * Emacs
|   * Org Mode
|     Compile, but keep locale.   

Would others find this useful? Is this difficult to imply?


"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of
fools. Let's start with typewriters." 
    -- Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)

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