On 2007-03-29, Bastien said:

> In the global TODO list buffer, instead of archiving (C-c $) the current
> headline the cursor is on, Org will archive the whole tree the task is a
> subtree of.  Which might lead to a "Doh! Where is my project?"-bug.
> For example :
> ,----
> | * Blorg
> | #+CATEGORY: blorg
> | #+ARCHIVE: archives/blorg_archive::
> | 
> | ** DONE publish blorg examples
> `----
> Archiving the task marked DONE will put the whole "* Blorg" tree in
> archives/blorg_archives.org.  Does anyone encounter such a problem ?

Yes I have seen this before but haven't got around to report it.

Leo <sdl.web AT gmail.com>                         (GPG Key: 9283AA3F)

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