Hmmmm, the other day I had a working version, but you are right, what I
posted does not work. I don't understand yet why - I'll be back about this.

- Carsten

On Mar 25, 2007, at 3:51, Mark Aufflick wrote:

Damn - defadvice is way cool! I do similar AOP-style things in Perl,
but nothing that clean or simple.

Having said that, it doesn't seem effective for me. It compiles fine
(in my .emacs), but there is no change in functionality. I tried with
org-mode 4.6.7 and then upgraded to .9. gnu emacs

I'm not familiar with the calling syntax of defadvice, so I'll keep playing.

Thanks very much for the code.


On 3/23/07, Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mar 19, 2007, at 13:46, Alan Dove wrote:

> Hey, folks:
> I've also been using org-mode with longlines-mode, and had noticed
> that the two occasionally conflict. I've just developed workarounds
> for the bugs that affect me, mostly inserting extra carriage returns
> here and there to ensure the right line breaks for org-mode. Carsten,
> if you have the option of minimizing these conflicts, that would be
> great.

I think this is really really hard.  Basically, I would have to change
all places where Org-mode inserts newlines that should be hard.

Hmmm, maybe all newlines that org-mode inserts during internal commands
should be hard?

In this case, a brute-force solution might do the trick.  This is not
well tested,
but it does make tables work as long as they are not broader than fill

(defadvice insert (around make-org-mode-newlines-hard activate)
   "Make sure all org-mode functions insert hard newlines."
   (if (and (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
           (boundp 'longlines-mode) longlines-mode
           (equal "org-" (substring (symbol-name this-command) 0 4)))
       (let ((_beg (point)))
        (longlines-decode-region _beg (point)))

(defadvice insert-before-markers (around make-org-mode-newlines-hard
   "Make sure all org-mode functions insert hard newlines."
   (if (and (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
           (boundp 'longlines-mode) longlines-mode
           (equal "org-" (substring (symbol-name this-command) 0 4)))
       (let ((_beg (point)))
        (longlines-decode-region _beg (point)))

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Mark Aufflick
p: +61 438 700 647
f: +61 2 9436 4737

Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
phone: +31 20 525 7477

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