Dear all,
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 13:08:33 -0400, Carsten Dominik
* Exporting text before the first heading ?
It seems that text before the first heading is not exported. Using
#+TEXT: might help, but #+TEXT: does not understand links. Is that
intentional ?
I guess this is not very well though-out, and maybe it would be good
to simply export the text before the first heading.
That TEXT is not HTML processed I would also consider as
a bug, but I know that some have made clever use of this bug
to insert custom HTML into a file. This is now no loger
necessary since you can embed protected HTML with special commands.
Note that the #+HTML: and #+BEGIN_HTML...#+END_HTML directives are not
(yet) a replacement for inserting literal html as it can be done using
#+TEXT:. As far as I've noticed, #+TEXT: inserts html (or any other text)
before the first heading (before the <h2> in the resulting html file),
something the #+HTML directives can't do, since the effect of placing it
before the first heading is null, as it is not exported.
I don't expect to use Org as a full-featured publishing engine. Still,
the following example represents a very specific use of #+TEXT: that I
need for implementing file-specific site navigation (as opposed to
project-specific, which in this case is configured using :preamble in
`org-publish-project-alist'). These are the relevant lines in the org
#+TEXT: @</p>@<p class="marginpar">@<a href="intro.html">Return to
* Sonata for Unaccompanied Achilles
^ will be exported as <h2> after <p class="marginpar">...
AFAIK, I can't use #+HTML: to insert that snippet before the <h2>, or
first level 'org' heading, which is what I need.
Hmmm, not clear to me how exactly this should be done. Should we
cast a vote for exporting text before the first heading?
This is my idea: if the text before the first heading were exported and
that included the #+HTML: directives, it would be one way (out of perhaps
a handful) to avoid having to use the #+HTML: and #+TEXT: directives for
the same purpose -- exporting literal html. In the end, for literal html
we'd just use #+HTML: anywhere in the file, while #+TEXT: could be
reserved for a different purpose.
Vote: +1
But the final decision should consider other (broader) aspects...
Kind regards.
Alex Fu
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