I wanted to use org-mode and blorg.el to make some web pages on my local
intranet. Some of the text is poetry and I am having some difficulty in
working out how to keep it in the form I want. I'm not sure if this is
the right place to ask this.

I am familiar with LaTeX and have used the memoir class a few times. I
know that org-mode can use latex packages in fragments, but could I use
memoir in the same way to help me to format my poems or can I use some
other method such as <pre>poem</pre>. Is there a proper org-mode way of
doing this? Would putting <br> at the end of every line do the job, or
could I (hopefully with guidance form some kind person) make a macor to
do this for me.


ps. I think I've actually got more writing and stuff done (even off the
computer) since I found org-mode a few weeks ago than I have for a long
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There's a fine line between standing on the shore looking foolish and fishing.

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