On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 12:12:35PM +0000, Graham Smith wrote:
> I heave set up remember to work with org as described in the manua
> M-x remember brings up a choice of t or j
> selecting j inserts a date into the buffer and I can append some text BUT
> when I try to save the text (C-c C-c)
> I get the following in the mini-buffer
> File name [C:\home\org\journal.org]: c:/home/org
> I want to save into the journal.org file but I seem to be getting prompted
> for a different file name.
> If I hit return I get a wrong type of argument error, if I add
> journal.orgto the end of the suggested path and hit return I get the
> same error.
       could you please specify:
1. Operating System
2. Version information of Emacs (C-h v emacs-version <RET>) 
3.      ''             of Org-mode (C-h v org-version <RET>)
4. as well as the Org-mode/remember related setup in .emacs 

I had a similar problem... that I solved commenting some
lines with old 'remeber' commands left when I installed 
org-mode v. 4.36 :-/



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