"Ed Hirgelt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 10/19/06, Xiao-Yong Jin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Hi, how do you usually format the text body?  I found it frustrating
>     if I just want to paste something from somewhere else.
>     * List
>       1. list
>       2. list
>       3. list
>     indent-region doesn't seem to work very well except the list was
>     format as the way that there's no space before the bullet
> You probably want to look at filladapt.  This provides ways to fill lists of
> various types.

Org-Mode is already doing this, I guess.  When you press M-RET, it
inserts the prefix automatically.  I just want to find a way that is
similar to M-C-\ (indent-region) so that I can paste a block of text
and reformat it easily.

>     * QUOTE Carsten said
>       : blah blah blah...
>       : and blah blah blah...
> Something like this you can also handle by setting the prefix string (^X . is
> bound to set-fill-prefix)
> C-x . runs `set-fill-prefix'
> `set-fill-prefix' is an interactive compiled Lisp function
>   -- loaded from "/usr/src/xemacs-21.4.19/.build/lisp/fill.elc"
> (set-fill-prefix)
> Documentation:
> Set the fill prefix to the current line up to point.
> Filling expects lines to start with the fill prefix and
> reinserts the fill prefix in each resulting line.

This is good.  Make it much easier to write some thing.  However, it
doesn't help for reformatting.

> --
> Ed Hirgelt  
> Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen
> and thinking what nobody has thought.
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