On Sep 28, 2006, at 15:29, Patrick Drechsler wrote:

Tim O Callaghan was so kind to give me a tip off-list using the setenv variable. Since the paths I'm using are not the same in relation to my different home directories this might be a feasible solution.

My approach so far doesn't work (probably just my bad lisp):

  ((file-directory-p "C:/Programme")
   ; do Windows stuff:
   (setenv "DATA_HOME" (expand-file-name "F:/"))
  ((file-directory-p "/home/patrick/")
   ; do GNU/Linux stuff
   (setenv "DATA_HOME" (expand-file-name "~/data"))
(setq org-directory (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") "/org-stuff"))
(setq org-remember-templates
       '((?t "* TODO %?\n  %i\n  %a" (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME")
        (?j "* %U %?\n\n  %i\n  %a" (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME")
(setq org-agenda-files (quote ((concat (getenv "DATA_HOME")
                               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") 
"/org-stuff/heinzerling.org" )
                               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") 
"/org-stuff/THESIS.org" )
                               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") 
"/org-stuff/privat.org" )
                               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") 
"/org-stuff/TODO.org" )
                               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") 

Quote prevents evaulation of concat. You need to do

(setq org-agenda-files
        (list (concat  (getenv "DATA_HOME") "/org-stuff/computerstuff.org")
               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") "/org-stuff/heinzerling.org" )
               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") "/org-stuff/THESIS.org" )
               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") "/org-stuff/privat.org" )
               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") "/org-stuff/TODO.org" )
               (concat (getenv "DATA_HOME") "/org-stuff/JOURNAL.org")))

I receive following error message when trying to invoke the agenda from
an org file:
org-check-agenda-file: Wrong type argument: stringp, (concat (getenv
"DATA_HOME") "/org-stuff/computerstuff.org")



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