I am a happy user of Org-mode. Recently I was thinking of an
improvement to the way I work with it, and wondered if any other users
have tried this, or have thoughts.

I like to add "TODO" and "FIXME" type comments throughout the code and
LaTeX documents I am working on. What would be nice is if these could
automatically be added to my .org file. Ideally the "*" Project
Heading could be derived either from the file name, or the directory
(for multiple files that constitute a single "project" ) . Something

* ~/work/writing/Thesis.tex
** TODO - work on this section
** TODO - fix this caption

* ~work/source_code/project1/
** TODO - source_file1.c - verify this works
** TODO - source_file2.c - add new algorithm here

..etc. I thought about writing a shell-type script to do this, but a
native elisp extension to org-mode would be much cleaner, and perhaps
of use to other people. I'm not quite sure how to begin though.

Thank you,


Chris Lowis

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