On Jun 11, 2006, at 12:58, Bastien wrote:

Sure.  I was thinking to rename it "blorg", but then i thought it
would be better to keep the "org-" namespace.  So now it's called

or org-blogging.el, for example. At some point in the past I thought David might integrate blogging into org-publish - but I don't know if this is still an option.

See the org-b-log 0.5 release:

(I hope "org-b-log" is not too much confusing and phonetically
conflicting with org-blog.  Please let me know if this is the case.)

If anything, it is slightly unusual to have two dashes in such a file name. However, I do not really mind as long as the file names, and the function/variable name spaces are distinct.

- Carsten

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