Quoth Ian Eslick <esl...@media.mit.edu>:
> The reason I asked for the my-config.sexp is that the my-config you  
> forwarded some time ago below will fail in the way you are talking  
> about (undefined symbols as well as unrecognized arguments) because  
> this file is telling it to use BDB 4.5 headers to talk to 4.7  
> libraries.  BDB changes the constant mapping with every .X increment  
> requiring some manual work and a condition to test for which version  
> of the constants to use.

Yes, I did an 'M-x replace-string 45 RET 47 RET' on config.sexp and lived with
the results for a while before picking up on that.  (I think the gods were
conspiring against me for a while back there!)

Still, I hope you agree that some good has come of it all.  Thanks for your
support in any case.

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