There is still time to apply to the Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology! Applications due Feb. 7. The Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology<> is an immersive research experience, connecting undergraduate students to mentors and researchers in the pursuit of scientific inquiry. Each year, 15-25 undergraduates from across the US live and work at the 4,000-acre Harvard Forest for 11 weeks. Students work with a research mentor in interdisciplinary team-based projects focused on how ecosystems change over time, especially in response to human and natural disturbance. Harvard Forest is Harvard University's world-class ecological research hub at the nexus of many national and international scientific networks, which Summer Program students leverage to conduct research and build their careers through: * Research: Work collaboratively to solve environmental problems using scientific methods. * Education: Bridge from student to scientist, build marketable skills, learn how to use and understand data * Community: Join scientists at a world-class virtual research hub to expand your network
Program Details for 2025: * The 11-week program dates are May 26 to August 8, 2025 * Includes $7,700 stipend, plus full room & board, and travel to/from Harvard Forest * Applications are currently open and are due Feb. 7, 2025: Learn more here: or go directly to the application here: * Questions? See FAQ<> or contact<> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Audrey Barker Plotkin (she/hers) Senior Researcher and Site Manager Director, Summer Research Program in Ecology MA Licensed Forester #385 Harvard Forest, Harvard University 324 N. Main St., Petersham, MA 01366 978-756-6168<> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To unsubscribe from this list please go to