Fellow Ecologists,

The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is recruiting for a Field 
Ecologist I position, with a focus on the maintenance of environmental sensors. 
 The selected individual will partner with other instrumentation-focused Field 
Ecologists to ensure NEON sensors are collecting data as expected and support 
infrastructure is in good condition.  The selected individual will primarily 
focus on the Wind River Experimental Forest and Abby Road field sites in 
southwest Washington.  Each of these sites features a surface-atmosphere 
exchange tower and an associated array of ground-level and soil profile 
sensors.  The Wind River tower is exceptional within the NEON network, both for 
its height (~240 feet from the ground to the top rail) and its history as the 
former support structure for the Wind River Canopy Crane that facilitated 
research on the canopies of Pacific Northwest old growth forests.  The selected 
candidate will also provide support for in-stream sensor installations at 
Martha Creek (Wind River Experimental Forest) and McRae Creek (HJ Andrews 
Experimental Forest, Oregon), and for observational sampling across all of 
these NEON sites.  If you have a strong mechanical aptitude, an organized 
approach to troubleshooting, an interest in the ecology of Pacific Northwest 
forests, and the willingness to work at heights, please consider applying.

For more information about the NEON program, see https://www.neonscience.org/.  
For more information about NEON's eddy covariance measurements, see 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR4Anc8Mkas.  For a detailed job description 
and to apply, visit 


Ben Vierra, M.S.
Manager, Pacific Northwest (Domain 16)
National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Program
360-566-2820 office | 360-947-6831 mobile

NEON Support Facility
1211 SE Cardinal Court, Suite 120
Vancouver, WA 98683
www.battelle.org/neon<http://www.battelle.org/neon> | 

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